Anthony John Clarke

All Anthony John Clarke ever wanted to be was a writer of songs. From the minute he heard Barry Maguire singing the song “Eve of Destruction” and held the single “Like A Rolling Stone” by Dylan in his hand.

From that point, he says, he was doomed to that life that could so easily end in failure. Irish-born and educated, he became a teacher but song writing remained his raison d’etre.

It was perhaps inevitable that by his mid-thirties he found his way into the music profession and was discovered in turn by audiences all over the world. Twenty-five years on he has a string of self-penned albums to his credit, a legion of fans and a date sheet that stretches two years into the future.

This includes what appears to be at least half the folk clubs in the UK as well as assorted village halls, theatres and arts centres.

“He storms it every night he gets on stage. Brilliant!!! He had our audience eating out of his hand every night on the Fairport Convention Tour”  Fairport’s Dave Pegg.

Dates Appearing

SC26 Brunch with John & Di Cullen guest – A J Clarke

Broadstairs Sailing Club 12 Harbour Street, Broadstairs, Kent, United Kingdom

A lovely way to start the day with some festival guests and occasional tunes and songs from your hosts John and Di Cullen. Joining us this morning is guest A […]