Jim Causley

Jim Causley is a folk-singer, award winning songwriter, musician, proud Devonian and all-round entertainer. He grew up in a wassailing village not far from Sidmouth Folk Festival and sang with Wren Music before heading to Newcastle University to study on their brand new degree course in Folk & Traditional Music. He rose to prominence singing with The Devil’s Interval and Mawkin:Causley as well as touring with Waterson:Carthy and David Rotheray. In recent years his work has focused on his musical settings of poems by his relative Charles Causley, penning his own songs and reviving lost gems from his home county.

“A voice in a million” Geoff Lakeman.

Dates Appearing

Latest Past Events

SC29 Singaround with hosts Tony & Lesley

Broadstairs Sailing Club 12 Harbour Street, Broadstairs

This is the last night to raise your voices together, until next year! Every evening, the session is a convivial way of meeting friends, making new ones and singing together.  […]
